About PRMP
The Peer Research Mentorship Program (PRMP) is sponsored by the ResMen Association. PRMP was started with the goal of providing mentorship to new researchers who aren't able to find a guide. The mentors will see through the entire research from the formation of research question to publication in a journal of good standing. Projects ranging from meta-analyses and systematic reviews to observational studies and short communications are conducted in the program.
Peer Research
Mentorship Program

Most undergraduate and graduate students, especially in developing regions with a high patient footfall, are not exposed to research processes and guidelines due to resources being redirected for other necessities. Due to lack of knowledge and unavailability of proper guidance, these students often resort to learning from the internet through a lot of trial and error. Only with proper guidance and availability of research infrastructure can medical students learn to conduct authentic and reliable research studies. Through this program, we hope to provide adequate guidance directly or indirectly to every student who wishes to perform medical research. PRMP tries to achieve this via peer-to-peer mentorship and time-bound projects where mentees will learn from their colleagues through informal conversations and regular doubt-solving sessions.
Your Role in PRMP

PREREQUISITES - Students, researchers, and medical practitioners from all fields of healthcare available throughout the selected rotation and willing to complete the allotted tasks within deadlines. For observational studies, mentees must be affiliated to a university with an active Institutional Ethics Committee (IEC) or Institutional Review Board (IRB).
RESPONSIBILITIES - You will learn the research process in steps via regular phone calls with your mentor. You'll be given weekly tasks to perform. Mentors and mentees are required to respond to any message within 48 hours. Once you learn the process and are confident with conducting a research study independently, you're required to mentor other students in any forthcoming PRMP rotation according to your timeline.
PREREQUISITES - Students, researchers, and medical practitioners from all fields of healthcare who have completed and preferably published at least one paper in their choice of study.
RESPONSIBILITIES - You will be guided by the National Project Heads on how to effectively mentor students. You will see through the entire research from the formation of research question to publication in a PUBMED indexed journal. In turn, you'll conduct weekly informative sessions and assign tasks to mentees. Mentors and mentees are required to respond to any message within 48 hours. Mentors will perform statistical analysis and in case you need guidance, we have a PRMP biostatistician who will be added to your team.

Mentor of Mentors (MoM)
PREREQUISITES - Researchers who have considerable experience and theoretical know-how about the various types of research studies. Preference will be given to those who have an h-index of five or more.
RESPONSIBILITIES - Conduct regular informative and doubt-solving sessions with Mentors, National Project Heads, and Regional Project Heads. Provide guidance on how to effectively lead their teams and allocate work to their team members. Teach them the intricacies of research and medical ethics, standard protocols for presenting studies, and other areas related to medical research.
National and Regional Project Heads
(NPH and RPH)
PREREQUISITES - Members of the International Society for Chronic Illnesses (ISCI) who have successfully completed at least one rotation with the Peer Research Mentorship Program (PRMP) as a mentor. Member nations with 10 or more PRMP participants will be assigned an NPH and those with 20 or more PRMP participants will have an NPH and an RPH.
RESPONSIBILITIES - RPHs will assist the NPH of that nation to achieve their goals. Along with mentors, you will create a timeline for the ongoing rotation of PRMP and guide them in making monthly timelines. You are required to take fortnightly follow-up from mentors and forward queries, if any, to the Project Head. Conduct monthly quality control checks in your assigned groups and suggest improvements in the program to the Project Head.



Notice: The Peer Research Mentorship Program will remain inactive till further notice. Apologies for the inconvenience. We will reach out to you via email once the ongoing issues are resolved.

Somewhere, something incredible is waiting to be known.
- Carl Sagan
Guidelines for New Researchers

Just like you climb a mountain from bottom to top, as a new researcher, you must begin your journey at the base of the evidence based hierarchy pyramid.
Once you understand the nuances of conducting and writing a case report or cross-sectional study, you will be better equipped to conduct more complex study designs like randomized controlled trials and systematic reviews.