Terms & Conditions
These terms and conditions create a binding agreement between you, whether personally or on behalf of you and The International Society for Chronic Illnesses, herein referred to as ISCI , concerning the access and usage of the services provided by and on the website of isci.info as well as any contacts , links , or otherwise connected thereto.
You agree that by registering for ISCI membership, you have read and acknowledged, understood and agreed to all the terms and conditions of the site and if you have not read, understood or accepted the terms, kindly refrain from availing any services the website has to offer.
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You have the legal capacity to enter into the Peer Research Mentorship Program (prmp) by accepting the terms and conditions of the website and after membership registration.
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Please review our Privacy Policy for elaborate content.
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The terms and conditions shall remain in force till you use and avail the services of the site. You shall be under a contractual liability to abide by the terms till you use it. We hold sole discretion, without any liability, to deny access of the site or services to anyone for reasons we are not obligated to mention.
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For any kind of conflict between parties regarding the breach of terms and conditions or about services, both the parties shall invoke Arbitration clause or try for another alternative dispute resolution method, i.e. Mediation.
Both the parties agree to try resolving the dispute via negotiation or Mediation upto 90 days (time) before commencing an arbitral proceeding.
In case of initiation of arbitration procedure, the arbitrator shall be appointed on the basis of consensus of both the parties. The arbitrator shall be bound by the law prevalent in the state and nation.
Both the parties agree that in events of the following, arbitration clause will not be binding upon both the parties:
Cyberstalking, phishing, invasion of privacy, harassment, online impersonation, fraud, trafficking passwords, unauthorised system access.
Protection of Intellectual Property Rights, infringement of Intellectual Property Rights.
Claim for injunctive relief
Under no circumstance will the founders, president, respective heads of ISCI be liable to you or/and third party for any direct, indirect, consequential damages arising from the use of the site even after knowing the possibility of such damages.
Notwithstanding anything to the contrary of the above-mentioned content, the liability of the site shall not exceed an amount of Rs. 20,000.00 (Twenty Thousand Rupees Only) irrespective of any case.
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We reserve the right of exclusive defense under circumstances when you are liable to indemnify us.